Pennsyvlania Reimagined Online Seminar
HOSTED BY Shawn Bolz
REGISTER HERE – Includes 1 Month free AcCess to our All-In-One Platfrorm!
JOIN SHAWN BOLZ for a seminar on hearing God’s voice. Learn about the Biblical basis for the prophetic today. Hear inspiring stories about how hearing the Holy Spirit transforms lives and brings glory to Jesus. Learn about how God uses the prophetic in the daily life of both pastors and business people, mothers and fathers, creatives, those who work in the industry and beyond. See and experience Shawn model words of knowledge and prophesy over participants in the audience as the Lord leads him. Join us and learn to take risks, stretch your faith, and increase your intimacy with the Holy Spirit in a new and fresh way.
General tickets: $29
- 2 Main Teaching Sessions
- Prayer Team Zoom Meeting
- One month free on our All-in-One Platform ($14 value)
- Ministry Time where Shawn releases words as led
Premiere Tickets: $49 (BEST VALUE)
- 2 Main Teaching Sessions
- Question & Answer Session
- Ministry Time with words released as led
- Modern Prophetic Book ($15.99 value)
- Prophetic 101 E-course Card ($49 Value)
- Prayer Team Zoom Meeting
- One month free on the platform ($14 value)
Shawn is a TV host, an author, producer and a Christian minister. He has been leading conversations in the church, entertainment industry, and in social justice that have helped believers connect their faith to culture in a transformative way.
Shawn’s deeply connected yet humorous style of speaking, media hosting & coaching through his unique expert perspective has brought him around the world to meet with churches, CEO’s, entertainers, and world leaders. His areas of passion include: developing Christianity that brings transformation, the intersection of Christianity and popular culture, business from a faith perspective, social justice through faith, and hearing God’s voice with a focus on restoring dignity to Biblical based prophetic ministry.